How to find listings?

Use the different search features available to find the right listing for your buyers.

How to find listings?

Once you’re logged in, it’s time to check out our listings. With over 1,000 listings at your fingertips, it’s worth spending some time checking out all the features.

To find listings available, you'll need to navigate to the Properties page, click here. This will take you to the listings page where you can see all the listings available for you to sell. From here you can search for the type of property you’re after by using the search function:

Some of the basic information about the listings can be seen on the thumbnail (e.g. price, address, completion date etc.) but if you’re after more detailed information, simply click on the listings you want to look at and you’ll see all the information relevant to that listing.

Can’t find the right answer?
If you don’t see what’s on your mind, reach out to us anytime onour live chat or email.
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