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Never run out of listings again

Access to sell 1,000+ properties across New Zealand. Find the right property for your buyers and earn 70% of the commission.

1,000+ properties across New Zealand

You’ve tried spending countless hours and dollars chasing listings. With The Listings Factory, you'll always have the right property for your buyers. The fear of not having the right listings will no longer be an issue!

Largest property stocklist in New Zealand

With over 1,000+ properties for you to sell.
You will never run out of listings to sell to your buyers.

Existing and off-the-plan and properties of all typologies

Upload your own listings (Coming Soon)

Help your vendors get the best price by uploading your own listings to The Listings Factory and work-in with agents across New Zealand. Offer to split the commission with agents and sell your listings faster!

You choose the commission split

Have the option to choose the commission split for the buyer’s agent that sells your listing

Leverage the power of working in with other agents

Earn 70% of the commission

You're the one making the sale, and we want to reward you for your hard work. Through a conjunctional sale, you and your agency get 70% of the commission.

Earn 2x more commission than a traditional conjunctional sale
Transparent Commissions
Favourable pre-negotiated commissions

Guaranteed 30-minute response time

There is nothing worse than waiting to get your questions answered when you have a buyer looking for answers. Using The Listings Factory, we're your single point of contact.

Contact just one person instead of dozens of vendors
Easily get in touch via the live chat or messages for fast response
1 Credit - Realtor X Webflow Template

For New Zealand real estate agents wanting access to sell hundreds of listings.

What’s included

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Over 1,000+ properties to sell
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70% commission
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Live listings support
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Online contracts system
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1-on-1 onboarding support
Access listings for free

Access all the listings for free

Get started today and create your account for free. Once we confirm you're licensed agent you'll have full access to The Listings Factory stocklist.

No credit card required
Sign up in just 2 minutes
No hidden fees

How does the Listings Factory work?

Find a property

Finding the right properties for your buyers shouldn't be hard. Use the search features to find exactly what your clients are looking for.

Sell any property on The Listings Factory stocklist and you and your agency will earn 70% of the commission.

Request For Contract

Let's face it, you don't like writing up Sale & Purchase Agreements. The Listings Factory will do it for you! Even better, we have digitised the entire process (don't worry we'll show you how it works).

Your Listings Factory Deal Manager will be there to help you throughout the entire journey.

Due Diligence

Track the progress of your deal, so you stay updated and can offer the support your buyers need. With The Listings Factory, you will have oversight of your deals like never before. 

After all, buying a home is one of the most significant financial decisions we make in our lifetime.

Save time and close more deals

Packed with features to make selling property easy. Allowing you to use the latest real estate technology so you can focus on taking care of your clients.

Online Contracts

Request Sale & Purchase Agreements online and we’ll take care of it for you.

Agent's Dashboard

Track the status of your deals, commission and more all in one place. (Coming Soon)

Live Support

Our team of experts are here to help with any questions about the listings, vendors, and more.


Easily check the commission and any vendor incentives for each listing.

Live Stocklists

Real-time listing stocklists so you can be confident recommending properties.

Property Files

Find all the listing collateral organised for you in one place. Everything you need to sell.

Never run out of listings again and get started today

Never run out of listings again and get started today

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are a few of the questions we get the most. If you don’t see what’s on your mind, reach out to us anytime on our live chat or email.


What is The Listings Factory?

The Listings Factory is an online listings platform dedicated to licensed real estate agents. With one of the largest stock lists in New Zealand, there is plenty of selection for your buyers. If you have a database of buyers but not the right listings to sell them, simply log onto The Listing Factory platform and use our search function to find the right property for them.


How does The Listings Factory works?

Take 2 minutes to create an account with The Listings Factory. Once your account has been verified by our team, you will then get full access to sell any property from one of the largest stock lists in New Zealand.
Your buyer can then simply request a contract formally start the Sale & Purchase Agreement process through a conjunctional agreement.


How does the commissions work?

We have negotiated excellent pre-set commissions with our vendors and you take away 70% as the selling agent. Gone are the days where the listing agent takes the majority of your hard earned commission.
Commission payment timings are also set out in the Agent Notes section of each property.


How many properties are listed?

We list with 30+ developers/vendors nationwide and have over 1,000 properties available for sale. Giving you and your buyers plenty of options to choose from!


Do I have to be a licensed agent to sign up?

Yes! Everyone that signs up must have a current real estate license in order to sell the listings.
As part of the sign up process, The Listings Factory will verify your REA License number.


Can I cancel after my free trial?

Absolutely! Once your free trial period is up, you can decide to cancel your subscription if you don’t feel as though you’re not getting enough value. We would love to have you back anytime.


How can I sign up an entire agency to The Listings Factory?

Get in touch, and we would love to walk you through some of our custom agency plans. Sign up your agency to The Listings Factory and receive discounts on monthly subscriptions. Each salesperson in your agency would have their own unique login and be able to sell properties all over the country to your buyers.

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